Panzer Fight Stick 3 - Electrical - Brook PS4+with Audio and the ProCable Kit
So, you have that fresh PS4+ board and Panzer Fight Stick ready to rock but you want to use the ProCable Kit so that your USB connection is secured to the max; you hook it all up, toss in your favorite Fighting Game and… no audio from your TV/speakers. What. The. Heck?
According to Brook, the PS4+ daughter board (the USB connector with Headphone Jack) has some specific circuitry to tell the PS4 if headphones are plugged in. If you don’t use the daughter board in favor of the ProCable Kit the PS4+ board assumes headphones are plugged in and the PS4 does as well, hence no audio.
The fix is pretty easy. You can short the AGND to H_DECTECT signals as shown in the graphic below (see RED lines). You only have to do one of these shorts, not both. I have found the easiest way to do this is to simply hack the daughter board wires (the ones that connect the PS4+ board to the USB/Headphone Jack board) and twist the wires that are plugged into AGND and H_DETECT together and then insulate with some electrical tape or heatshrink.
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